Conservation Commission-June Growing Wild Events

Transform your Yard to Support Pollinators-a 12 Step Program
Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 7:00pm 
South Hadley Library, 2 Canal Street
Heidi Dollard of the Massachusetts Pollinator Network (MAPN). The “little things that run the world” are in big trouble: Insect populations are plummeting, and many species are headed for extinction. This spells disaster for our food supply, our ecology, and indeed, life on earth. The good news is that we can turn this around, starting in our own yards. By planting native plants, and other simple steps, we can restore vital insect populations. Many people want to make their yard pollinator-friendly, but don’t know where to start. This talk will step you through the process of evaluation, planning, and implementation, with many options for large and small changes. Come to this free program to learn what you can do, and be inspired! Raffle prizes!

Monday, June 17, 2024, 2:00-4:00pm
River to Range Trail, 240 Ferry Street
Next week a heat wave is coming through – it will be in the 90’s most of the week. The Growing Wild group is going to try to get the rest of the rain garden plantings into the ground at River to Range. Meet at the parking lot at 240 Ferry St on Monday at 2pm. Bring your favorite planting tools – some will be provided. This will be medium work digging small holes in the ground and planting perennial plugs. If you can only come for a smaller portion of time, we welcome any and all volunteers for any amount of time. It will “only” be in the 80’s on Monday…when the heat breaks we will plan a final round of plantings. Wear sturdy shoes, long sleeves or sunscreen, a hat to protect yourself and plenty of water. I will bring a pop up tent we can move around to be in the shade and there will be some planting in the shade of trees. If you have any questions, let me know. Please RSVP to Rebekah Cornell at

About admin

Know Your Town (KYT) is a nonpartisan organization based in South Hadley, Massachusetts that seeks to acquaint townspeople with the various issues and functions of town government and all of the resources the town has to offer.
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