South Hadley’s Bike/Walk Working Group is organizing a Winter Trek at the Ledges Golf Course on Saturday, February 1. The event is open to the public and ‘trekkers’ will meet in the parking lot at 12:00noon for a healthy outdoor trek.
Bring your snowshoes, cross country skiis, or walking boots and join us. Are there experienced snowshoers or cross country skiiers who would like to help lead beginners? Come and join us for a hot beverage and goodies in the golf course cafe afterwards (at your own expense).
If there should be no snow, we will instead hike the Bynan Conservation Land (also at noon) at 656 New Ludlow Road, with reasonably priced refreshments to follow.
If you can’t make this event, stay tuned for other South Hadley Treks in the future!
Questions? Please email: